Nadja Hatem CEO of Kliently one of Swedens Super Communicators

Nadja Hatem, founder and CEO of the legal tech company Kliently, has been named one of Sweden’s 150 Super Communicators 2024 by Resumé. She is recognized for her innovative approach to communicating Swedish legal matters in Arabic through her TikTok channel.
– It’s an incredible honor to be recognized as one of Sweden’s Super Communicators, especially given the inspiring names on the list. This recognition affirms that courage and innovation in communication can truly make a difference,” says Nadja Hatem, CEO and co-founder of Kliently.

Resumé is Scandinavia’s leading trade media outlet for marketing, communication, and media. Its annual ranking, Sweden’s 150 Super Communicators, celebrates individuals who, through creative and groundbreaking communication, transform society and elevate the status of the communications field. According to Resumé, the award:

“Honors individuals whose communication has made us think in new ways. The purpose of the award is to enhance the status of communication as a field.”

Innovative Communication for Diversity and Inclusion

Since its inception, Kliently has been driven by a clear mission to make legal assistance accessible to more people, particularly through digital solutions and language support. By communicating in Arabic on her TikTok channel, Nadja Hatem reaches new audiences, demonstrating that legal services can be both accessible and relevant to a broader demographic. Nadja’s TikTok channel currently has nearly 27,000 followers, and several of her videos have been viewed by over 100,000 people.

– Sweden is a multifaceted society, and businesses need to adapt their communication to reflect the diversity present in order to truly connect. By offering legal advice in Arabic and meeting our users where they are, we show that inclusive communication is not only possible but necessary for businesses aiming to reach wider markets, says Nadja Hatem.

The complete list of Sweden’s 150 Super Communicators is available on Resumé. Want to follow Nadja Hatem on TikTok? Click here to visit her channel.

These are the responsibilities of an employee

There are several responsibilities of an employee that you have to follow. These responsibilities are outlined in your employment contract, in the Swedish Work Environment Act, and other potential agreements. It’s important to follow the rules to allow your employer to create a safe and efficient work environment for all employees.

Some of the most important responsibilities of an employee

Perform tasks according to your contract

You’re required to perform your tasks as specified in your contract. This means you have to follow the guidelines and instructions provided by your employer. If you refuse tasks without a valid reason, it can be seen as refusal to work, which can lead to warnings, and in serious cases even termination.

Follow workplace rules and guidelines

Most workplaces have rules and guidelines that employees have to follow. This can include safety regulations, dress codes, or rules regarding work hours. If you violate these rules, especially the ones related to safety, it can negatively impact both you and your colleagues and lead to disciplinary actions.

Difficulty in cooperation

Cooperation difficulties in the workplace, if severe, can lead to termination. However, it’s important that the ability to cooperate is essential for the job and that your tasks cannot be completed without effective teamwork. In cases of cooperation issues, the employer has to first investigate the problems and attempt to find a solution, such as through reassignment or mediation between employees. The employer’s responsibility to resolve the situation can vary depending on the size and resources of the company.

Disloyal behavior

An employee is also obliged to remain loyal to their employer. This means that you, as an employee, shouldn’t compete with your employer’s business or spread falsehoods or damage their reputation. The higher the position you hold in the workplace, the greater the expectation for loyalty. At the same time, there are protections for whistleblowers under the Whistleblower Act, meaning that reporting misconduct at your workplace isn’t considered disloyalty.

Attendance and punctuality

It’s your responsibility to arrive on time and be present during work hours unless otherwise agreed upon. Repeated absenteeism or tardiness without a valid reason can lead to warnings and deductions in pay. In the worst-case scenario, it can even result in dismissal if it becomes a recurring issue.

Follow occupational health and safety regulations

According to the Swedish Work Environment Act, all employees are required to follow safety regulations and use the appropriate protective equipment to make sure that the workplace remains safe. If you don’t follow these rules, you risk not only your own safety but also the safety of your colleagues. This can lead to both disciplinary and legal actions.


If your employer requires confidentiality regarding trade secrets or sensitive information, you’re obligated to respect that. Breaching confidentiality can lead to legal and financial consequences.

Responsibilities of an employee during the notice period

If you resign or are terminated, you have to work throughout your notice period. The length of your notice period should be stated in your employment contract and can vary depending on how long you’ve been employed or what’s stated in the collective agreement. During the notice period, you have the same obligations as usual to work and contribute to the business. If you don’t work during the notice period, the employer can deduct pay and, in some cases, demand financial compensation for lost labor.

Consequences of not following your responsibilities as an employee

If you breach your responsibilities, it’s common for the employer to first issue a verbal or written warning. This gives you the chance to correct what’s gone wrong.

Deductions in pay
If you’ve breached your responsibilities repeatedly without a valid reason, your employer can make deductions from your pay for the time you haven’t worked.

In some cases, an employer can choose to reassign you to different tasks if it would lead to improved performance.

Termination or dismissal
For repeated or serious breaches of the employer’s rules, the employer could choose to terminate or dismiss you. In the case of dismissal, your employment ends immediately without a notice period.

Legal consequences
If you violate confidentiality rules, workplace safety regulations, or other legally mandated responsibilities, it can lead to consequences such as fines or, in the worst case, imprisonment. That’s why it’s important that you understand and comply with the requirements your employer sets for you. Of course, this only applies as long as the requirements are reasonable and necessary for you to perform your job.

Do you need legal help?

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Call us: +468-410 05 220

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Kliently launches business subscriptions for legal help

Legaltech company Kliently is launching subscriptions for businesses that need legal help, without them having to hire an in-house lawyer. Through the subscription, companies gain access to Kliently’s lawyer, who together cover a broad range of legal areas and languages.
– There is a significant need for legal help, especially among small and medium-sized businesses. Many entrepreneurs try to find answers on their own, but navigating the legal jungle isn’t easy. That’s why it’s so fantastic to have access to our lawyers, so you can quickly and easily get the help you need, says Nadja Hatem, CEO and co-founder of Kliently.

Kliently is a legal hybrid firm that combines traditional law with technology, aiming to make Swedish legal help more accessible to everyone. Kliently offers traditional legal assistance, legal advice through video calls in the Kliently app, and the possibility to draft customized contracts on your own. The new subscriptions offer businesses a ready-made package with video meetings and other benefits, at a fixed annual cost.

– It’s very expensive to hire an in-house lawyer to help a company review and draft contracts, assist with tax matters, support in labor law issues, work permits, and so on. Our subscriptions save both time and money. Depending on your business’s needs, you can customize the subscription and get the help you need at a more affordable price, says Nadja Hatem, CEO and co-founder of Kliently.

The business subscriptions come as ready-made packages but can also be tailored as needed:

Great trial package that
covers basic legal needs.
For companies that frequently
need help with legal matters.
When you want an in-house lawyer
without having to hire one.
4 video calls with lawyer per year10 video calls with lawyer per year
+ 15% discount on legal cases

+ personal lawyer as contact person
+ analysis of company needs and what kind of assistance you may need
24 video calls with lawyer per year
+ 15% discount on legal cases
+ personal lawyer as contact person
+ analysis of company needs and what kind of assistance you may need
760 SEK/year excluding VAT1 738 SEK/year excluding VAT3 792 SEK/year excluding VAT

Click here to learn more about the subscriptions.

Want to come in contact with Kliently for questions or interview?
Send an email to Nadja Hatem at

Kliently welcomes new board members and investors

The legaltech company Kliently welcomes the company’s newest co-founder Victor Axelsson, entrepreneur Mikkel Gerdes to the board and the financial advisor Stefan Eliasson who steps in as chairman of the board. Kliently also has a new partner; tech investor Susana Meza Graham.

At the annual general meeting on June 14, 2024, Kliently’s new CTO and co-founder Victor Axelsson was elected to the board. The board was also expanded with entrepreneur Mikkel Gerdes, who’s also one of the company’s investors, and financial advisor Stefan Eliasson, who was elected chairman of the board.

We are incredibly happy to bring in new, on point competence to the board. The new members will be able to contribute a wealth of experience and great knowledge when it comes to running and building tech companies, says Nadja Hatem, CEO and founder of Kliently.

The board already consists of founders Nadja Hatem and Anuta Sjunghamn, PR consultant Karin Bäcklund and entrepreneur Johannes Hatem. Mikkel Gerdes has been an entrepreneur in media, tech and startups for 25 years with focus on growth and digital marketing.

I’m already an investor in Kliently and now I look forward to helping the company even more. I see great potential and there’s an incredible amount of exciting things waiting to be achieved with Kliently, says Mikkel Gerdes.

Stefan Eliasson was previously CFO at Mindler and has worked as CFO and CEO within the pension and life insurance industry for over 30 years.

With my experience in the financial sector, I hope to add knowledge and structure to Kliently. I’m very much looking forward to my assignment on the board, says Stefan Eliasson.

Susana Meza Graham is a veteran within gaming giant Paradox where she’s held roles as operations manager and marketing manager. In 2020, she started the investment company Aldeon and has since made a number of investments within both gaming companies and other tech companies. Recently, Susana chose to invest in Kliently.

I immediately became curious about Kliently and after meeting Nadja Hatem and Anuta Sjunghamn, investing in the company was an easy decision to make. My hope is to also be able to contribute with my experience to the company’s future success, says Susana Meza Graham.

Nadja Hatem
CEO and founder

Kliently offers legal advice to individuals and small businesses via digital meetings at low cost and in several different languages. Kliently launched in December 2021.

We’re launching a new service! – Personalized legal documents.

Do you need help setting up legal documents?

Online legal services aren’t new. However, most of them aren’t tailored to the user’s needs. We are now, together with Juridok, launching a service that offers the opportunity to quickly create legal documents that are also customized by a lawyer.

The legal landscape is complicated and it’s difficult to completely digitize legal assistance. Many demand the combination of the speed and flexibility of online help together with the knowledge that the help you receive is tailored to you and your needs. That’s what we are offering now at a favorable package price together with Juridok, says Nadja Hatem, CEO at Kliently.

The new service is launched on both and on, where users can browse through several different legal documents. The documents are adapted to both private individuals and companies and are offered at fixed prices. The user selects the document they need, fills in their details and then receives help by one of Kliently’s lawyers who will quality-assure the document.

This service is unique in its kind. We’re keeping the traditional where you get guidance and help from a lawyer while implementing today’s tech opportunities to make the process significantly faster, smoother and easier for the user, says Nadja Hatem, CEO at Kliently.

Kliently is a digital service that combines traditional law with technology to simplify and make legal help available to a wider mass. Since the start in 2022, thousands of people from several different parts of Sweden and around the world have gotten help with questions and matters related to Swedish legislation through the Kliently app.

Juridok is an online-based interactive service that allows the user to create quality-assured legal documents by answering simple questions. The service aims to simplify the law – with the customer in focus – and is both affordable and easy to use.

­– This collaboration really combines the strengths of both Juridok and Kliently and allows us to offer a personal touch to online-based legal help that many are asking for. This allows us to reach out to even more people and with the help of Kliently’s lawyers, customers will receive legal advice and the adaptations needed regarding their legal documents, at transparent prices. Letting customers feel even more secure with their legal documents, says Jens Holmberg, founder of Juridok.

To test or take a look at the new service, click here.

For questions about the service, Kliently or interview with Nadja Hatem:

For questions about the service, Juridok or interview with Jens Holmberg:

Our children need good role models – not harsher punishments

We have to stop the escalating violence that’s starting to affect younger and younger children.

At Kliently, we believe that the change needs to happen at an early age where good role models and professionals that children and young people can identify with and look up to can be one of many key factors for change. It can also give hope that “I can too” and contribute to a vision of a brighter future.

If they can, so can I.

That’s why we’re reaching out to Sweden’s primary and secondary schools to give young people the chance to meet our lawyers in a unique opportunity that gives them an insight into the broad professional life as a lawyer, the consequences of crime and the possibilities within law.

Kliently’s lawyers, through their community involvement and a broad, international background, now have an opportunity to be involved and influence young adults of the future to change, and perhaps get one or two of them to refrain from crime and instead think twice. With knowledge also comes wise choices.

Our lawyers, with their nuanced background, want to come to your school and talk to your students. About law, about choosing school over the street and about the opportunities that lay ahead. Regardless of whether a young person dreams of becoming a lawyer or something else entirely, we want to show our young people that they have significantly more, and above all safer, opportunities ahead of them.

Nadja Hatem,
CEO at Kliently

Kliently is growing with new legal reception

Nu finns det fler sätt att kontakta juristerna hos Kliently

Kliently is now opening a legal reception to meet an ever-growing demand. Through Kliently Legal, users can now get long-term help with larger cases. The reception offers help both physically and digitally to users who need long-term legal help. The new reception is another step towards democratizing access to legal aid in Sweden.

We have seen that there’s a high demand from users who contact Kliently and want to get further help even after the initial video call. There has been a need for a reception where we can continue to help our users in the long term and that’s why we’re opening Kliently Legal. Now it’ll be even easier to get legal help quickly regardless of need and as usual we offer help in several different languages ​​and cover all areas of law, says Nadja Hatem, CEO at Kliently.

The Kliently app was launched in December 2021. The purpose of Kliently is for anyone to be able to get legal help quickly and easily. The digital app and the fact that Kliently’s lawyers are multilingual mean that Kliently’s users have access to legal help within Swedish legislation wherever they are in the world.

Through Kliently Legal, the possibility to help users with larger cases opens up. When a user books a video call in the Kliently app, an assessment is made as to whether they can get help directly during the call or whether they need to hire a lawyer for long-term help. For help in the long run, Kliently Legal takes on cases and offers continued help both physically and digitally depending on the need.

The essence of Kliently is that we’re digital and therefore easily accessible, and we continue to be so through Kliently Legal also for users who aren’t in our proximity. We want to use today’s technology to make it easier for people to get legal help. It shouldn’t matter where you are or what you need help with. As long as you have a need for legal help, you should be able to get it, simply and smoothly, says Nadja Hatem, CEO at Kliently.

Kliently Legal is a legal reception and extension of the Kliently app. At Kliently Legal, lawyers take on cases in all legal areas and help clients in several different languages.

Nadja Hatem
CEO and co-founder

Kliently nominated as one of Sweden’s best tech startups

Image borrowed from Ny Teknik

Swedish tech magazine Ny Teknik, who reports about the latest in technology, has nominated Kliently for this year’s 33-list. The 33-list is an annual list with Sweden’s absolute best tech startups. Out of hundreds of Swedish startups, the magazine selects 33 of them each year whom they judge to be the most innovative and with potential to grow quickly, not only within Sweden but also globally.

Kliently is now nominated for the 33 list. More proof that Kliently democratizes access to Swedish legislation by making it easy for people to get help, regardless of where they are in the world.

During the short time that Kliently has been active, we have helped people with their legal problems in all parts of the world. We live in a digital world where people expect access to law and lawyers in an easier way. That is one of the reasons for Kliently’s success. People throughout Sweden and on a global level can now, through Kliently’s app, get fast and simple legal help from a lawyer within a day, says Nadja Hatem, CEO and co-founder, Kliently.

Read more about the 33 list at Ny Teknik..

Kliently is growing and looking for a family law lawyer and an immigration law lawyer!

Apply today!

Do you have a law degree and at least one year of work experience as a lawyer? Are you interested in working in a fast-growing legal tech company? Then Kliently could be the workplace for you!

We’re looking for someone who’s flexible, independent and has the ability to both take in and understand new information. We value legal analysis skills and fluency in the Swedish language. Speaking any additional languages is beneficial.

To us, your personal qualities are of great importance and to be able to thrive as a Kliently-lawyer, you need to enjoy collaborating with others, but also be able to work independently. We’re looking for someone who is committed, judicious, solution-oriented, unprestigious and thorough. You must have a high degree of planning and prioritization skills and be able to organize and structure your work effectively.

With us, you’ll become part of a growing team of lawyers, developers and marketing in a workplace where it goes without saying that we support each other and share skills and experiences.

Change the industry with us!

Kliently’s vision is to digitalize the legal industry. If you feel that you want to be part of our journey and share our vision to make law accessible to everyone in Sweden and on a global level, we hope that you will apply to us today.

Send your application complete with cover letter, CV, diploma and other relevant certificates to Recruitment takes place continuously.

This is a full-time, permanent position. Probationary employment applies for the first six months. Starting by agreement, but preferably as soon as possible.

Kliently invests further – recruits from Mindler

Victor Axelsson, new CTO at Kliently

Legal tech company Kliently continues its journey towards the democratization of law and legal services. Now Victor Axelsson, former CTO at Mindler, joins the company in the same role.

Kliently has in a short time sailed up as one of the main players in the legal tech industry by making legal services available to the general public who are in need of advice and help from a lawyer.

As part of developing and strengthening Klientlys position in the market by offering even better services, Victor Axelsson is now employed as the new CTO. Victor comes most recently from a corresponding role at the digital psychology clinic Mindler and takes up his post immediately.

After having been involved in building Sweden’s largest digital psychology practice which has also expanded internationally, it feels very exciting to continue my career by once again creating a service that makes a big difference for the user. I see many similarities and I think my experiences will come in handy to develop and expand Kliently to the next stage, says Victor Axelsson.

Nadja Hatem, co-founder and CEO of Kliently, about the recruitment:

We are very proud to have such an experienced key person as Victor Axelsson join the team. He has many years of experience and deep insights into the technical solutions needed to create the legal tech company we want to be able to offer everyone in Sweden and on a global level. He will be a key person in our work to establish Kliently as an obvious service in every individual’s everyday life, because law is for everyone, it must be understandable and accessible.

Kliently offers legal advice to individuals and small businesses via digital meetings at low cost and in several different languages. Kliently was launched in December 2021.

Nadja Hatem
CEO and founder