Kliently welcomes new board members and investors

The legaltech company Kliently welcomes the company’s newest co-founder Victor Axelsson, entrepreneur Mikkel Gerdes to the board and the financial advisor Stefan Eliasson who steps in as chairman of the board. Kliently also has a new partner; tech investor Susana Meza Graham.

At the annual general meeting on June 14, 2024, Kliently’s new CTO and co-founder Victor Axelsson was elected to the board. The board was also expanded with entrepreneur Mikkel Gerdes, who’s also one of the company’s investors, and financial advisor Stefan Eliasson, who was elected chairman of the board.

We are incredibly happy to bring in new, on point competence to the board. The new members will be able to contribute a wealth of experience and great knowledge when it comes to running and building tech companies, says Nadja Hatem, CEO and founder of Kliently.

The board already consists of founders Nadja Hatem and Anuta Sjunghamn, PR consultant Karin Bäcklund and entrepreneur Johannes Hatem. Mikkel Gerdes has been an entrepreneur in media, tech and startups for 25 years with focus on growth and digital marketing.

I’m already an investor in Kliently and now I look forward to helping the company even more. I see great potential and there’s an incredible amount of exciting things waiting to be achieved with Kliently, says Mikkel Gerdes.

Stefan Eliasson was previously CFO at Mindler and has worked as CFO and CEO within the pension and life insurance industry for over 30 years.

With my experience in the financial sector, I hope to add knowledge and structure to Kliently. I’m very much looking forward to my assignment on the board, says Stefan Eliasson.

Susana Meza Graham is a veteran within gaming giant Paradox where she’s held roles as operations manager and marketing manager. In 2020, she started the investment company Aldeon and has since made a number of investments within both gaming companies and other tech companies. Recently, Susana chose to invest in Kliently.

I immediately became curious about Kliently and after meeting Nadja Hatem and Anuta Sjunghamn, investing in the company was an easy decision to make. My hope is to also be able to contribute with my experience to the company’s future success, says Susana Meza Graham.

Nadja Hatem
CEO and founder

Kliently offers legal advice to individuals and small businesses via digital meetings at low cost and in several different languages. Kliently launched in December 2021.