Zaid is a Kliently consultant

Zaid Najib is a lawyer and specializes in business law, company law, contract law, tort law and dispute resolution. Zaid also has expertise and experience in migration law, family law, medical law, real estate and rental law. In addition to Swedish and English, Zaid Najib is also fluent in Arabic.

Book an appointment with Zaid

Nadja is a Kliently lawyer

Nadja Hatem works as a lawyer at Kliently, specialized in migration law, family law and crime law. A meeting with Nadja is easily booked through the Kliently app if you’re in need of a basic consultation. If you want to hire Nadja as a lawyer for a case, send an email to  

Nadja speaks Swedish, English and Arabic.

Book an appointment with Nadja

Nathalie is a Kliently consultant

Nathalie Larsson has many years of experience from law firms and from the Swedish Migration Board. Over the years, she has specialized in migration law, children’s law (LVU and Social Law) and family law (custody, housing, contact, divorce).

Book an appointment with Nathalie