Do you need help with mediation?

Mediation can be used to solve disputes between people and parties to help them come to an agreement. A mediator is usually an impartial third party who will resolve conflicts in a constructive and cost-effective way, in everything from family law disputes to business-related conflicts.

A mediator will help different parties discuss issues and find a mutual solution. Unlike a judge or an arbitrator, the mediator doesn’t make decisions for the parties but merely facilitates communication and negotiation between them. The mediator’s goal is to reach an agreement that both parties can accept, and that will resolve the conflict in a fair and sustainable way.

When you might need a mediator

Family law disputes
A mediator can be very helpful in conflicts concerning family law, such as custody disputes, divorces, and inheritance matters. Through mediation, family members can resolve their disputes in a less confrontational way and find solutions that work for everyone involved.

Workplace conflicts
A mediator can also help resolve conflicts between employees or between employees and employers. This can include issues such as discrimination, harassment, workplace safety, or other work-related problems.

Business-related disputes
A mediator can also assist in resolving business-related disputes between companies, such as contract breaches, payment issues, and other business disputes. Through mediation, companies can avoid costly and time-consuming court proceedings.

Neighbor disputes
A mediator can also effectively resolve conflicts between neighbors. These disputes may involve property boundaries, noise, or other disturbances.

Benefits of using a mediator

It’s often cheaper to use a mediator than to go to court, as mediation requires fewer resources and less time. The parties usually share the cost of the mediator, making it an economically advantageous option.

Mediation can often be completed more quickly than a legal process. You can set your own timeline and won’t have to follow the court’s schedule.

Mediation offers greater control over both the process and the solution. You can agree on a tailored solution that suits everyone’s specific situation and needs.

Preserving relationships
Since mediation is a collaborative process, it can help maintain or even improve relationships between the involved parties. This is particularly important in family law and workplace-related conflicts.

How we help with mediation

Legal advice
We provide advice on the benefits of mediation and how the process works. We help you understand if mediation is the right approach for your specific situation.

The mediation process
We act as mediators, guiding you through the entire process and making sure it’s conducted in a fair and effective manner.

We assist you in documenting the agreement and making sure it’s legally binding. We also provide advice on how to follow up and implement the agreement.

Do you need a mediator? You can always get in contact with our lawyers within just 24 hours when you need quick answers to your questions. Or you can email or call us whenever you need to hire a lawyer for legal assistance.

FAQ about mediation

What is mediation?
Mediation is a process used in disputes, where an impartial mediator helps the parties discuss their issues and find a mutual solution without making decisions for them.

When can mediation be used?
Mediation can be used in many different situations, including family law disputes, workplace conflicts, commercial disputes, and neighbor disputes.

What are the benefits of mediation?
Mediation is cost-effective, time-saving, flexible, and can help preserve relationships between the parties. It also gives the parties greater control over the process and the solution.