

Boka ett videosamtal med en jurist inom endast en dag


människor som fått hjälp genom appen


människor har anlitat Klientlys jurister för att hantera deras ärenden


länder som människor har bokat videosamtal ifrån

New rules for Swedish citizenship – this is what applies

On October 1, 2024, new rules for Swedish citizenship came into effect. The changes aim to make the process fairer while considering both societal and…

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Refusal to work and its possible consequences

Refusal to work is a term commonly used in labor law. It refers to situations where an employee refuses to carry out tasks that are…

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When someone report concern for a child’s welfare in Sweden

When the social services in Sweden receive a report of concern for a child’s welfare, it can stir up many emotions and questions for the…

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These are the responsibilities of an employee

There are several responsibilities of an employee that you have to follow. These responsibilities are outlined in your employment contract, in the Swedish Work Environment…

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Easier to apply for Swedish citizenship for children

On September 12, 2024, the Swedish Migration Court of Appeal issued a ruling in an important case regarding children’s ability to acquire Swedish citizenship alongside…

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Custodial interference – what is it and what are the consequences?

Custodial interference is when one parent deliberately prevents or complicates the child’s contact with the other parent. This can be particularly damaging to the child’s…

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