Apply for Swedish citizenship

Applying for citizenship is an important milestone for many who’ve lived in Sweden for a long time. Swedish citizenship not only gives you the right to live and work in Sweden but also the right to vote in parliamentary elections, travel freely within the EU and receive protection from Swedish authorities.

As a citizen of Sweden, you gain access to rights and opportunities that are available only to Swedish citizens. For example, with Swedish citizenship, you have the right to vote in Sweden’s parliamentary elections and in EU elections. You can also work within professions that require citizenship in Sweden, such as being a police officer or a member of parliament. Additionally, citizenship makes it easier for you to both settle and work in other EU countries if you wish.

Dual citizenship

Sweden allows dual citizenship, which means you can retain your previous citizenship while becoming a Swedish citizen. This gives you the opportunity to work and live in both countries, as well as to have the right to benefits and own and inherit properties and land in both countries. You’ll also retain your Swedish citizenship if you later choose to move to another country and apply for citizenship there.

The process

To be eligible to apply for Swedish citizenship, you have to meet certain requirements:

  • Age: You have to be at least 18 years old. However, parents can apply for citizenship for children under 18 years of age.
  • Identification: You have to have a valid ID, such as a passport or ID card.
  • Residency period: You have to have lived in Sweden for a certain amount of years. How many that is depends on the type of residence permit you’ve held.
  • Permanent residence permit: You have to have a permanent residence permit, right of residence, residence card or residence status.
  • Law-abiding life: It’s an advantage if you’ve led a law-abiding life in Sweden, which basically means being debt-free and not having committed any crimes.

The application process for Swedish citizenship

Once you meet the requirements, you can submit an application for citizenship to the Swedish Migration Agency. The application process may vary slightly depending on your age and previous citizenship. After you’ve submitted your application, the Migration Agency may request additional information from you. And if they don’t, you just need to wait for their decision.

The waiting time for a response to a citizenship application can be long. To expedite the process, after six months, you can submit a request for the Migration Agency to conclude your case within four weeks. You can only make such a request once, so it’s important that you’ve checked that your application is complete before submitting it.

What we help with in citizenship matters

Legal advice
We help you understand the requirements and the process for applying for Swedish citizenship. We provide advice on how best to prepare your application and which documents you need to submit.

Application assistance
We assist you in filling out your application correctly and ensure that all necessary documents are attached. This way, you increase your chances of receiving a quick and positive decision.

Appealing a decision
If your citizenship application is denied, we help you appeal the decision and represent you in your case.

Do you need help with citizenship matters? You can always get in contact with our lawyers within just 24 hours when you need quick answers to your questions. Or you can email or call us whenever you need to hire a lawyer for legal assistance.

FAQ about Swedish citizenship

How long does it take to get Swedish citizenship?
Processing times vary but can take between one and two years depending on the complexity of the case and the workload of the Swedish Migration Agency.

Can I apply for citizenship if I have debts?
If you have significant debts, it may affect your application negatively. It’s important that you can demonstrate that you have a stable economy and can pay your debts.

Do I need to meet specific requirements to become a Swedish citizen?
In addition to meeting the basic requirements of age, identification, and residency period, you have to have a permanent residence permit and have led a law-abiding life in Sweden.

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