We can help with your residence permit

Whether you want to apply for one, extend it or appeal when you’ve been denied a residence permit.

A Swedish residence permit gives you the right to live and work in Sweden. If you want to live here and you’re a citizen of a country outside of the EU, you have to apply for one. There are different types of permits you can apply for:

  • residence permit for studying in Sweden.
  • work permit for working in Sweden.
  • residence permit based on family ties to be able to move to a family member who lives in Sweden.
  • visa for shorter visits to someone you know in Sweden.
  • residence permit for visits to Sweden that are longer than 90 days.
  • asylum for when you’ve fled your home country and want to settle in Sweden.
  • right of residence when you are an EEA citizen and want to settle in Sweden for a longer period of time.

When you apply for a residence permit, it’s important that you meet the requirements set by the Swedish Migration Agency and that you submit all documents and information of value for your application. This applies not only to the documentation the Migration Agency requests from you, but also to things that could be for your case. What that is differs from case to case.

Choose the right public counsel when you apply for a residence permit

Sometimes the Swedish Migration Agency can decide that you need public counsel. That’s a lawyer who’ll help you in the process of applying for a residence permit. You can ask for a specific lawyer as long as the person you ask for is someone who works as a counsel in migration cases. The costs of your public counsel are covered by the Swedish government. So you won’t have to pay for it out of your own pocket.

At Kliently, we have lawyers who work as public counsels and who can help you in all migration matters. We’ll also help you if you’re denied a permit and there are new circumstances that could help change that.

Get help from our lawyers

We’ll help you with your application for a residence permit, regardless of the type and why you’re applying for it. Book a video meeting with us in the Kliently app to find out how we can help with your case.

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