Write a will today
Writing a will is an important way to make sure your assets are divided according to your wishes after you’ve passed. Through it, you can clarify who’ll inherit what, whether it’s your family members, friends or partners. It also reduces the risk of conflicts and uncertainty about how the inheritance should be divided.
A will is legally binding. If you haven’t drawn up a will, your inheritance is divided according to the Swedish inheritance laws. This means that your closest relatives are the ones who’ll automatically inherit you. This can create problems if you would prefer someone outside of that order, such as a friend or a partner, to inherit your assets.
Especially important for unmarried couples to write a will
According to Swedish law, unmarried couples have no legal inheritance rights and don’t automatically inherit each other. If you want your partner to inherit a share of your estate, you have to write a reciprocal will. By not doing so, your partner may be left without financial protection, as the inheritance would instead go to your children, parents, or other relatives.
A reciprocal will, where the two of you agree to inherit each other, is a common legal and financial protection for unmarried couples. It secures the surviving partner’s future and financial stability.
Important to include
For a will to be valid, it has to meet certain requirements:
- It has to be written and signed by you.
- Two independent witnesses has to be present at the signing.
- You need to specify who should inherit which assets and if any specific person should receive a particular item.
- You need to state if certain assets should be the inheritor’s individual property. This makes sure that the inheritor keeps ownership of the assets in the event of a divorce.
What we help with in writing a will
Legal consultation
We provide advice on how to phrase your wishes to make sure they’re upheld. This is especially important if you’re unmarried and want to make sure your partner inherits from you.
Help with drafting
We help you draft a legally correct document that meets all formal requirements, making sure it’s legally binding and according to your wishes.
Support in case of disputes
If someone contests the will or if conflicts arise, we offer legal support to defend your wishes and your rights.
Get legal help today
Do you need help with matters regarding a will? You can always get in contact with our lawyers within just 24 hours when you need quick answers to your questions. Or you can email or call us whenever you need to hire a lawyer for legal assistance.
FAQ about wills
Is a will necessary if I am unmarried?
Yes, unmarried couples don’t inherit each other by law, so a reciprocal will is crucial to make sure your partner gets a share of your estate.
How can I make changes to my will?
You can change or revoke your will at any time, as long as you have full legal capacity to make decisions.
Do I need witnesses when writing a will?
Yes, two independent individuals has to witness the signing. The witnesses cannot be beneficiaries.