Do you need a counsel for an injured party?
Being a victim of a crime during a legal process can be stressful and overwhelming. In such a situation, having a counsel for an injured party to support and assist you throughout the process can be crucial for ensuring your sense of security. The counsel is a lawyer or attorney appointed by the court to assist individuals who’ve been subjected to a crime. Some of their key responsibilities include supporting you during the legal process and representing you in court.
What does a counsel for an injured party do?
Support and advice
The counsel helps you understand the legal process and what will happen during the investigation and trial. They also provide advice on how to prepare for police interrogations and court proceedings.
Preparation for the trial
The counsel assists in preparing you for the trial. This may include reviewing what will happen during the trial, discussing potential questions you may face, and advising you on how to handle any difficulties.
Representation in court
During the trial, the counsel represents you. This means they speak on your behalf, ask questions to witnesses and others being examined, and assist you with matters related to compensation.
Filing for compensation
The counsel for an injured party helps you request compensation for the damages and suffering caused by the crime. They ensure that all documents and evidence are presented correctly to maximize your chances of receiving the compensation.
When are you entitled to a counsel for an injured party in Sweden?
You’re entitled to a counsel if you’ve been subjected to certain serious crimes in Sweden, such as sexual offenses, assault, robbery, or domestic violence. The court decides whether to appoint one for you, but you can also request a specific lawyer to act as your counsel. If the lawyer you request is deemed suitable for the role, the court usually approves the request.
Having a counsel for an injured party doesn’t cost you anything, as the state covers the expense.
What we help with when you’ve been subjected to a crime
Legal consultation
We help you understand your rights and provide advice on how to proceed after being subjected to a crime.
Preparation and support
We assist you in preparing for police interrogations and court proceedings, offering support throughout the entire process.
Representation in court
You can choose our lawyers as your counsel. In this role, we represent you in court and help you request compensation.
Get legal help today
Have you been subjected to a crime? You can always get in contact with our lawyers within just 24 hours when you need quick answers to your questions. Or you can email or call us whenever you need to hire a lawyer for legal assistance.
FAQ about counsels for an injured party
How do I get a counsel for an injured party in Sweden?
If you’ve been subjected to a serious crime, the court will appoint a counsel for you, usually upon a request made by the police or prosecutor. You can also apply for one yourself and request a specific lawyer to take on the role.
Does it cost anything to have a counsel?
No, it doesn’t cost you anything. The state covers the cost.
What happens if I don’t get a counsel?
If you aren’t provided with a counsel, you can still hire a lawyer to represent you in court. You can also receive support and assistance from victim support organizations or other groups that offer guidance throughout the legal process.